Monday, September 3, 2012

Green waters and Tucker Lake

My labor day was fantastic. I went to the lake...

and this was the lake. I'm just kidding. This was a nasty green swampy thing I came across on the way to the lake. This was creepy and it smelled like foot cheese and dirty diapers. I actually went to Tucker Lake in Benson, NC. It was fantastic, there was so much to do, the water was nice and the crowds weren't to bad for labor day. 

They have this amazing thing called Hexagon, this thing has tow ropes on it and it pulls you around the lake in a large Hexagon and you can wake board or knee board, out in the water there are some ramps and "rails" that you can do tricks off of. It's one of the coolest things I have ever seen.

I think I was looking pretty alright at the beach. I didn't feel over dressed, or underdressed in any way and my hair, what can I say. It was doing cute things being blown around in the wind all day. 

This guy on the other hand. I think maybe he wasn't wearing quite enough. Especially considering there were lots of kids around. Not only was he wearing a speedo, but it was at least a size small on him. Thank you guy, your speedo was so tight when you stood up near me I knew for a fact that you were indeed circumcised. If you have to stop every once in a while because your wanker pokes out of your speedo its not big enough for you sir! After being accosted by this gentlemans man meat I decided to find a bit of shade farther down the beach.

 This is the lovely little spot I ended up in, but this sweet spot was only visited briefly.

For this was far to hard to resist! Trampolines and water slides? I think yes. I went on the trampoline and jumped until my legs felt like jelly and I fell over at least a dozen times. If you think jumping on a trampoline is hard then this is just craziness. If you have been on one you know what I'm talking about, but if you haven't then imagine this. You are jumping on a trampoline, soaking wet while the trampoline is bouncing and moving about under you. That pyramid looking thing is also hard to climb when you are wet. I got all the way to the top and then fell off. The lake was so much fun. Jumped off the diving board, went on the rope swing, and had a great time. After the lake I went to look at houses in the area.

Unfortunately for me this run down shanty was the only one in my budget. No really, this is the only thing I could afford to buy in this area, but I didn't really look at houses to buy. Just looked around at some of the run down old houses and farms. This was my favorite one. 

This one was my second favorite run down old building. It kind of reminded me of Bethel, Alaska (where I was born, if you weren't aware) except in Bethel this building would still be in use. They don't stop using buildings up there until they literally fall to the ground. 

After a long day swimming I was starving. So food had to be found. This bowl of whatever is what I found. Actually this is what the person I went with had. I tried the BBQ chicken, the locals like it alot, and I would guess a lot of other people might like it. In my opinion though it had to strong of a vingar taste. I ended up just getting chicken tenders and fries. This right here in the picture though. This is brunswick stew. Its very popular in the American South I guess, no one really knows the true origin of it, there are a couple different places in the states that claim it in addition to some claim to German origins, which is where I would think something like this would start.
Anywho, brunswick stew looks nasty, smells even worse, but it is FREAKIN' AWESOME!!! If I have the time I'd like to go back to this place and have it again. Oh yeah, I didn't mention where I got it. They have this at Smithfield's Chicken 'N Bar-B-Q. I had never heard of it, but I guess its a small chain restaurant in North Carolina. 

On the way back to Clayton from the lake there was this swimming pool with the nastiest green water in the whole world. So gross! You can't even see how bad it looks from this picture. If I can I will get a better picture of it later, but this is as close as I got before whoever lived on the property asked me what I was doing. I said I was taking pictures of the nasty pool. Then he said if I didn't get off his property there was going to be trouble. He looked pissed and serious. In a sort of scared panic I decided weirding him out was probably my best option so I half yelled in a weird voice. Play the video below to hear what I said and in what voice. 

 He looked more annoyed, very confused, maybe even a little scared. It worked though, he stopped coming toward me and I ran off. Sometimes my need to take pictures of things gets me in the strangest situations.

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