Friday, August 3, 2012

Never Stop Believing. Sometimes I think people need to be reminded of things like these. I'd mainly like people to never stop believing in themselves, but it would be nice if more people believed in humanity. Each one of us can go out every day and do one small act to make the world a little better. 
“I read and walked for miles at night along the beach, writing bad blank verse and searching endlessly for someone wonderful who would step out of the darkness and change my life. It never crossed my mind that that person could be me. ”
Anna Quindlen

I sprayed this in a few different places where I've seen people selling drugs, I'm guessing they probably wont be doing that in those spots until these get covered up. 

Ready to hit the streets. If you are going to be working with spray paint for any extended period of time  you should make sure you have a good respirator mask. You don't want a build up of aerosol mist in your lungs. Short term it can cause nausea, vomiting, head aches and confusion. Long term you can end up with brain damage. Its not as common, but you can also get lung infections and pneumonia. Spray safe, not stupid! ~ Notti By Nature. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice one! I like the idea behind the “Designated Drug Spot” spray paint. I’m sure those drug dealers will stay away from those spots from now on. I just hope it won’t get covered up right away. Anyway, you’re right about wearing respirator mask when working with spray paints. My brother and I used those to improve the look of his car and I insisted that we wear respirator masks. He refused at first, because wearing masks irritates him, but when I told him about the harmful effects aerosol mist, he obeyed in the end.

    Darren Gatti
