Monday, February 11, 2013

Dirty Mouth!

There are all sorts of things out there with crazy names that go in your mouth. Sometimes it may just be bad english translations, but sometimes I think these are intentionally dirty, so people will buy them for a laugh. Here are some of my favorite "dirty foods."

Limited edition NutKick candy

Cock Soup Mix, spicy, because cock soup isn't good unless it's spice.

Stik Tahu wants you to eat Poo, those chips look delicious. If you aren't really into poo, the maybe you'll like these next chips. 

Megapussi! That might be just a little bit to much pussi for you. 

If that's the case then you can always get minipussi. 

Here is my favorite though, I like my pussi to be a jussipussi. 

That would be a golden gaytime in my mouth. :p

Oh yes please, I'll have a few slices of semen toast. 

And a fart for dessert. 

Or should we get cock on the mountain top? Those cock banans look a little sticky. 

Nothing says great snack like Only Puke. I'm starting to think that there are a few crazy american's helping with the english translations of chinese snack foods.

I'm not one hundred percent sure what is going on in this picture. Could be some sort of gay foreplay or they are trying to say these Doritos are so good even if you got stomped in the nuts you'd be happy. 

I think I want to have kids now. So I can freak my mom out and say yeah mom, I just let her have Nude Crunky Balls, then I went out and got her...

a few big nuts.

Dickmann's cream isn't just for men, its for young boys as well. Oh Super. 

lol, you can go for a run with one of these in your back pocket. Then if people ask you if you ever work out you can say. Naw, last time I went for a jog I dropped a chocolate log. 

See I told you he wasn't creepy. He just wanted your boy to eat his honey balls. They are nutritious for children.

I want a nice cold glass of Sars.

And for your pussy, here is a little pussy pop. Because you don't want your pus to dehydrate. 

This is a warning label. After you eat these it will make you take a hot shitto peppers. 

~Notti by Nature

Friday, February 8, 2013

A quote I like

Wanna make a monster? Take the parts of yourself that make you uncomfortable — your weaknesses, bad thoughts, vanities, and hungers — and pretend they’re across the room. It’s too ugly to be human. It’s too ugly to be you. Children are afraid of the dark because they have nothing real to work with. Adults are afraid of themselves.
Black Telephone (Richard Siken)