Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Alaskan Eskimo meets Walt Disney.

In 1953 Walt Disney produced a short documentary called "The Alaskan Eskimo." It won and Academy Award in 1954. Above was the main poster for the documentary. It was filmed in the Alaskan Native village of Hooper Bay, Alaska. The Yup'ik name for the village is Naparyarmiut. 

This is one of the other posters for the documentary. That handsome Yup'ik gentleman is my great grandfather. 

Here is a little bit better picture of him. His english name was Jonathan Johnson. He was born on October 5, 1902 and passed away September 19, 1996.

This is the ivory Donald Duck and sled dogs my great grandfather made for Walt Disney.

This is a personal family picture of my great grandfather with his children. 

Just an FYI the word Eskimo is sometimes viewed as a derogatory term, it means "eaters of raw meat." I personally don't find it offensive, but if you want to be politically correct say Alaskan Native or here is a map of the major tribes in Alaska. I am Yup'ik. That word is said out loud to sound like "you pick."

If you want to see the documentary here it is.